Sorting through the billions of subatomic particles that zip through its frozen cubic-kilometer-sized detector each [...]
The ARA Collaboration announces today the first results using data taken during 10 months in [...]
Members of the ARA Collaboration during their meeting in Madison. Image: Jamie Yang, WIPAC Today, [...]
Jakob van Santen in front of Bascom Hall with Bucky Badger, two of the most [...]
The Askaryan Radio Array (ARA) is designed as a teraton-scale ultra-high-energy (UHE) neutrino detector in [...]
Not everyone begins a new year on January 1, right? That includes IceCubers, who decided [...]
An Akyaryan Radio Array solar panel rests on top of a gear box before being [...]
Image: HAWC Collaboration High on a sleeping Mexican volcano, a new particle astrophysics observatory is [...]
IceCube cosmic-ray results were also used alongside observations from NASA’s Interstellar Boundary Explorer, or IBEX, [...]
The IceCube Neutrino Observatory is a successful and large scientific facility located near the Amundsen-Scott [...]