Week 14 at the Pole

The marker and a few flags at the ceremonial Pole seen in shadow, with a bright orange sky along the horizon in background.
Marc Jacquart, IceCube/NSF

It was a quiet week at the Pole, at least for IceCube’s winterovers, with smooth detector operations—no problems or urgent troubleshooting. But there were still the typical activities, like maintenance work, emergency response training, and a cause for celebration (last week it was Easter). It was also quiet outside, with clear skies to enjoy the lingering light of sunset. The moon made an appearance in some of the photos, adding moonlight to the mix, while the other perspectives are dominated by a very orangey horizon.

The IceCube Lab seen in shadow, with a bright orange sky along the horizon in background.
Marc Jacquart, IceCube/NSF
Moon low on horizon during sunset at the South Pole, a frosty building in the foreground, sky and ground all bluish in hue.
Marc Jacquart, IceCube/NSF
View of frosty outdoor structure at the South Pole, with moon behind it, low in sky over horizon, everything bathed in bluish hue.
Marc Jacquart, IceCube/NSF