Those of us working with high-energy neutrinos always have great expectations for a new year, [...]
The UW–Madison Department of Physics hosted a meeting of [...]
The IceCube detector has been explained widely—in many different languages and in hundreds of locations [...]
A recent work by Markus Ahlers, a John Bahcall fellow at WIPAC, has shown that [...]
This summer, two students worked with WIPAC throught the Research Experiences for Undergraduates program at [...]
In an effort to fill in the blanks of the Standard Model of particle physics, [...]
As the summer is heating up, two local high school students are chilling out working [...]
The National Science Foundation today, March 30, announced that it has renewed a cooperative agreement [...]
IceCube data are stubbornly showing us only a glimpse of the extreme universe at a [...]
If learning that you can turn your smart phone into a cosmic-ray telescope was astonishing, [...]