Last week, IceCube’s current winterovers, John and Yuya, officially completed a full year at the [...]
It’s a harsh environment at the South Pole. And on windy days, you can [...]
The scene outside the South Pole station—now that there’s sunlight to see by—is rather changed [...]
Like the vast majority of conferences and meetings this year, ScienceWriters 2020 went virtual in [...]
Sunbathing at the South Pole? Well, why not! The sun is out and [...]
Graduate student Leslie Taylor helped fine-tune a high-energy gamma-ray telescope this summer. Detecting the Crab [...]
The IceCube Lab has accumulated quite a bit of snow over the winter. And [...]
Now that the sun is up 24/7 at the South Pole, it’s hard for the [...]
The sun is up but still low on the horizon, casting long shadows, as seen [...]
As the long winter comes to an end with the sunrise at the South Pole, [...]