Who needs the sun when you have a moon like this! This image shows [...]
At the South Pole, you never know whether the skies will be clear enough to [...]
Last week was stormy at the Pole, according to IceCube’s winterovers. Guess that’s where [...]
It takes a long time for the sun to set at the South Pole. [...]
The fuel arch under the station is one of the coldest—and creepiest—places at the Pole, [...]
A quiet week at the Pole. And when the quiet stems from a well-behaved [...]
That’s it—the South Pole station is officially closed for the season. The few remaining [...]
It was a busy week at the Pole. There are always lots of preparations [...]
The summer season is nearing its end. So IceCube’s winterovers were busy helping summer [...]
IceCube winterover Raffaela got to see some amazing wildlife on her break, but check out [...]