The scene outside the South Pole station—now that there’s sunlight to see by—is rather changed [...]
Sunbathing at the South Pole? Well, why not! The sun is out and [...]
The IceCube Lab has accumulated quite a bit of snow over the winter. And [...]
Now that the sun is up 24/7 at the South Pole, it’s hard for the [...]
The sun is up but still low on the horizon, casting long shadows, as seen [...]
As the long winter comes to an end with the sunrise at the South Pole, [...]
Last week was somewhat busy for the IceCube detector. Otherwise, the sun continues its slow [...]
What did we just say about the dawn sky at the South Pole? That [...]
While a blue sky may seem boring to some, especially after the many displays of [...]
You never know which aurora images from the Pole will be the last of the [...]