The IceCube winterovers have plenty of darkness to look forward to in the coming months, [...]
A flurry of activities marked the end of 2012 and the beginning of 2013, a [...]
Not sure what the costume is all about, but these people are clearly running a [...]
Antarctica’s a cold continent, and all of the activities at the South Pole would not [...]
The time has come for the changing of the guard. IceCube’s next two winterovers, [...]
The winterovers report a rather uneventful week at the Pole. Nonetheless, beautiful pictures abound. [...]
These are sastrugi. Who doesn’t love to learn a new word? Sastrugi are [...]
Cold goes to colder, as they reached their lowest temperature yet at the South Pole [...]
The US flag flaps in the wind, as it undoubtedly did in many places across [...]
A quiet week at the Pole. Still, there’s always maintenance to be done, like [...]