A few short weeks ago this scene would have looked quite different. But now [...]
Greenery, and flowers, … this doesn’t look like much like the South Pole. But [...]
What do a rock, an egg, and a kiwi all have in common? They [...]
Now that looks like the sun—finally! It’s rising up over the flags at the [...]
The sun is rising at the Pole, but this once-a-year occurrence is a much more [...]
There is little to no snowfall at the South Pole—it’s basically a desert. But [...]
Sky-watchers around the world were anticipating this close encounter of celestial objects last week. [...]
All appears to be tranquil, but there was more commotion than usual last week. [...]
The sun has not officially risen at the Pole yet, but things do keep getting [...]
The yellow light cast on the ground makes the scene look almost like a sandy [...]