Registration and abstract submission for the IceCube Particle Astrophysics Symposium (IPA2015): Cosmic Neutrinos, What Next? is open now through March 13, 2015. IPA2015 will be held on Monday, May 4th through Wednesday, May 6th in Madison, Wisconsin.
The meeting focuses on the interplay between theory and experiment in resolving the major open questions in the field of particle astrophysics for the next decade. Topics include: neutrino astronomy and related multiwavelength messengers (cosmic rays, high-energy gamma rays, and gravitational waves), neutrino properties (including accelerator-based experiments), and related cosmological and dark matter aspects of particle astrophysics.
Submissions for parallel sessions on neutrino theory, high-energy gamma-ray astrophysics, cosmic rays, dark matter, neutrino astrophysics, and accelerator and non-accelerator-based neutrino physics can be submitted here and will be considered until March 13, 2015.
Following the success of IPA2013, this second edition continues the spirit of the historic Telemark meetings on neutrino physics. The symposium, organized by the Wisconsin IceCube Particle Astrophysics Center, will take place at Union South on the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus.
The official symposium website, wipac.wisc.edu/ipa2015, includes registration and abstract submission information along with a preliminary schedule and lodging and venue details. Early registration is encouraged; prices will increase on March 23rd.