Week 8 at the Pole

Small plane on the ice being pulled by a bulldozer.
Ilya Bodo, IceCube/NSF

A small plane found itself parked in behind some other aircraft at the South Pole last week, but it was next in line to depart. Instead of moving the planes in front of it out of the way, they found a simpler solution by attaching the tail wheel of the plane to a bulldozer and spinning it in place to change its orientation. Such resourcefulness. IceCube’s winterovers were kept busy with work on power supply issues as well as cleanup at the IceCube Lab, seen under blue skies below. There were also a few days of team building exercises for all the winterovers now at the station.

Small plane on the ice parked behind three other small aircraft.
Ilya Bodo, IceCube/NSF
Blue skies with some wispy low clouds above the IceCube Lab in the distance.
Ilya Bodo, IceCube/NSF