Out with the old, in with the new. It’s that time of year again, when IceCube’s two incoming winterovers arrive at the Pole and overlap for a short period with the outgoing crew. Often they find an opportunity to take a nice “changing of the guard” photo, with all four winterovers together. IceCube’s newly arrived winterovers are Joe Baines-Holmes and Ilya Bodo, who arrived at the Pole after a short layover at McMurdo Station, ready for action. For the next couple of weeks, outgoing winterovers Connor Duffy and Kalvin Moschkau will be showing them the ropes. First up was a tour of the IceCube Lab, the backdrop for their photo above. Last week brought other arrivals and departures—people coming just for the summer but other winterover staff replacements as well. Out on the ice, some station members who haven’t seen each other for months are welcomed with hugs. Inside the station, after new arrivals settled in a bit, a cocktail hour gave everyone a chance to get to know each other and exchange stories.