
March 21, 2025


Physics Department Colloquia: Telescope Array and the Dawn Goddess of the North

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison
Doug Bergman, University of Utah, will be giving a talk, “Telescope Array and the Dawn Goddess of the North,” on Friday, March 24, as part of the Physics Department Colloquia. The talk is hosted by Justin Vandenbroucke and begins at 3:30pm in Room 2241 of Chamberlin Hall.

March 17, 2025


Theory Seminar: Observable CMB B-modes from Cosmological Phase Transitions

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison
Gordan Krnjaic, Fermilab, will be giving a talk, “Observable CMB B-modes from Cosmological Phase Transitions,” on Monday, March 17, as a Physics Theory Seminar. The talk is hosted by Dan Hooper and begins at 1:00pm in Room 5280 of Chamberlin Hall.

March 3, 2025


Theory Seminar: Cavendish Tests of Millicharged Relics

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison
Asher Berlin, Fermilab, will be giving a talk, “Cavendish Tests of Millicharged Relics,” on Monday, March 3, as a Physics Theory Seminar. The talk is hosted by Dan Hooper and begins at 1:00pm in Room 5280 of Chamberlin Hall.

February 15, 2025


WIPAC at UW Physics Fair

Outreach Event • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison
WIPAC will be participating in the 2025 Physics Fair, an annual Department of Physics open house that typically includes laboratory tours, hands-on demonstrations, activities for kids and families, and informal conversations with scientists.

The Physics Fair is held at Chamberlin Hall, on Saturday, February 15, from 2:00-4:00pm. For information, visit their event page. No tickets or RSVP are required for the Physics Fair. Come and check out the fun!

January 9, 2025


Badgers On Tap: WIPAC and Astrophysics

Special Event • Working Draft Beer Company, 1129 E Wilson St
Join us for an Astrophysics-themed Badgers on Tap at Working Draft Beer Company on Thursday, January 9, 2025 at 7:00 PM. This event will feature engaging talks from UW-Madison experts who will share their cutting-edge research on the fascinating world at the Wisconsin IceCube Particle Astrophysics Center. There will also be trivia, bingo and prizes!

Featuring WIPAC Director Dan Hooper with “The History of the Universe (in 15 Minutes)!” and UW–Madison physics PhD student Hannah Erpenbeck with “IceCube: From Cooling Drinks to Detecting Neutrinos.”

November 6, 2024


Madison Nerd Nite’s 100th Celebration!

Special Event • High Noon Saloon, 701 E Washington Ave

Join the Madison Nerd Nite community for an incredible 100th celebration of knowledge and nerdom!

In addition to three exciting talks, there will be FREE Nerd Nite branded swag for the first 50 attendees, cake, book sales hosted by Lake City Books, and more!

As the first speaker, UW–Madison assistant professor of physics Lu Lu will discuss how we have captured neutrinos that originate from supermassive black holes, using detectors located deep in the ice of Antarctica.

October 10, 2024


NPAC Forum: A stress test of Galactic cosmic rays

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison
Philipp Mertsch, RWTH Aachen University, will be giving a talk, “A stress test of Galactic cosmic rays,” on Thursday, October 10, as part of the NPAC Forum. The talk is hosted by Paolo Desiati and begins at 2:30pm in Room 5280 of Chamberlin Hall.

September 27, 2024


Physics Department Colloquia: FASER: New Eyes for the LHC

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison
Jonathan Feng, University of California-Irvine, will be giving a talk, “FASER: New Eyes for the LHC,” on Friday, September 27, as part of the Physics Department Colloquia. The talk is hosted by Lu Lu and begins at 3:30pm in Room 2241 of Chamberlin Hall.

September 25, 2024


13 Months Below Zero

Special Event • MMSD Planetarium, 201 South Gammon Road
Ever wonder what it’s like to work and live in one of the harshest environments on Earth? Hear a first-hand report from Hrvoje Dujmovic and Marc Jacquart, who spent a year at the South Pole. As winterovers, they were responsible for keeping the IceCube Neutrino Observatory, a unique telescope that searches for nearly invisible cosmic messengers, up and running 24/7. Following their talk will be a screening of the film “Chasing the Ghost Particle.” This event is FREE and open to the public.

August 19, 2024


NPAC Forum: The Camera System and Tau Neutrino Research in the TRIDENT Experiment

Talk • WIPAC
Wei Tian, Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, will be giving a talk, “The Camera System and Tau Neutrino Research in the TRIDENT Experiment,” on Monday, August 19, as part of the NPAC Forum. The talk is hosted by Francis Halzen and begins at 2:30pm in the Supernova conference room at WIPAC.

August 9, 2024


Madison Astronomical Society Meeting

Talk • UW Space Place/virtual
Justin Vandenbroucke, UW Madison associate professor of physics, will give a talk titled “Astronomy with the highest energy light in the Universe” at the Madison Astronomical Society meeting on August 9. Prof. Vandenbroucke will describe the science that very-high-energy gamma rays enable and the prospects for the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory, an international project currently under construction. The talk will begin at 7:15pm at UW Space Place and will stream live on YouTube as well. More information available here.

May 23, 2024


NPAC Forum: New Prospects for Probing Dark Matter with High-Energy Cosmic Observations

Talk • WIPAC
Qinrui Liu, Queen’s University, Canada, will be giving a talk, “New Prospects for Probing Dark Matter with High-Energy Cosmic Observations,” on Thursday, May 23, as part of the NPAC Forum. The talk is hosted by Francis Halzen and begins at 2:30pm in the Supernova conference room at WIPAC.

May 9, 2024


NPAC Forum: High-energy and ultrahigh-energy neutrinos: a new window for astrophysics and particle physics

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison
Bei Zhou, Fermilab, will be giving a talk, “High-energy and ultrahigh-energy neutrinos: a new window for astrophysics and particle physics,” on Thursday, May 9, as part of the NPAC Forum. The talk is hosted by Francis Halzen and begins at 2:30pm in Room 5280 of Chamberlin Hall.

April 18, 2024


NPAC Forum: Hunting for Galactic PeVatrons in the X-ray Regime

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison
Shuo Zhang, MSU, will be giving a talk, “Hunting for Galactic PeVatrons in the X-ray Regime,” on Thursday, April 18, as part of the NPAC Forum. The talk is hosted by Lu Lu and begins at 2:30pm in Room 5310 of Chamberlin Hall.

April 11, 2024


NPAC Forum: Mysteries of the High-Energy Sky

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison
Dan Hooper, Fermilab, will be giving a public presentation, “Mysteries of the High-Energy Sky,” on Thursday, April 11, as a finalist in the search for the next director of WIPAC. The talk is hosted by Francis Halzen as part of the NPAC Forum and begins at 9:00am in 5413 Chamberlin Hall.

April 6, 2024


WIPAC at UW Science Expeditions and Physics Fair

Outreach Event • Discovery & Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison
WIPAC will be participating in the 2024 UW–Madison Science Expeditions, a family-friendly, campus-wide open house held each spring, as well as the UW Physics Fair, held this year on April 6. We will have two locations on Saturday, April 9—an exploration station at Discovery building from 10:00am to 1:00pm and an outreach station in Chamberlin Hall from 11:00am to 2:00pm. Please join us!

For more information on either program, visit their websites:  Science Expeditions and Physics Fair.

April 4, 2024


NPAC Forum: Multi-wavelength emission from Jets of nearby radio galaxies

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison
Riku Kuze, Tohoku Universityy, will be giving a talk, “Multi-wavelength emission from Jets of nearby radio galaxies,” on Thursday, April 4, as part of the NPAC Forum. The talk is hosted by Ke Fang and begins at 2:30pm in Room 5280 of Chamberlin Hall.

April 4, 2024


NPAC Forum: Tuning into Cosmic Neutrinos at the Highest Energies

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison
Stephanie Wissel, Penn State, will be giving a public presentation, “Tuning into Cosmic Neutrinos at the Highest Energies” on Thursday, April 4, as a finalist in the search for the next director of WIPAC. The talk is hosted by Francis Halzen as part of the NPAC Forum and begins at 9:00am in 5280 Chamberlin Hall.

April 1, 2024


NPAC Forum: Opening the PeV Neutrino Window with Trinity

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison
A. Nepomuk Otte, Georgia Tech, will be giving a public presentation, “Opening the PeV Neutrino Window with Trinity” on Monday, April 1, as a finalist in the search for the next director of WIPAC. The talk is hosted by Francis Halzen as part of the NPAC Forum and begins at 9:00am in 5310 Chamberlin Hall.

March 22, 2024


Physics Department Colloquia: Towards EeV neutrino astronomy with GRAND

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison
Kumiko Kotera, Institut d’astrophysique de Paris, will be giving a talk, “Towards EeV neutrino astronomy with GRAND,” on Friday, March 22, as part of the Physics Department Colloquia. The talk is hosted by Ke Fang and begins at 3:30pm in Room 2241 of Chamberlin Hall.

March 8, 2024


Physics Department Colloquia: Using Radio Detectors to Discover the Highest Energy Astrophysical Neutrinos

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison
Abigail Vieregg, University of Chicago, will be giving a talk, “Using Radio Detectors to Discover the Highest Energy Astrophysical Neutrinos,” on Friday, March 8, as part of the Physics Department Colloquia. The talk is hosted by Ke Fang and begins at 3:30pm in Room 2241 of Chamberlin Hall.

February 29, 2024


NPAC Forum: New probes of ultrahigh energy cosmic ray source evolution

Talk • WIPAC
Marco Muzio, Penn State University, will be giving a talk, “New probes of ultrahigh energy cosmic ray source evolution,” on Thursday, February 29, as part of the NPAC Forum. The talk is hosted by Lu Lu and begins at 2:30pm in the Supernova conference room at WIPAC.

February 9, 2024


Chasing ghost particles: searching for neutrinos from high-energy sources in real time

Outreach, Talk • UW Space Place and virtual (YouTube)
Jessie Thwaites, UW–Madison, will be giving a talk, “Chasing ghost particles: searching for neutrinos from high-energy sources in real time,” on Friday, February 9, at the February meeting of the Madison Astronomical Society. This meeting will take place in person at 7:15pm–9:00pm at UW Space Place. It will also be streamed live on YouTube  at

February 1, 2024


NPAC Forum: Low-energy Atmospheric Neutrino Oscillations

Talk • virtual (Zoom)
Kevin Kelly, Texas A&M University, will be giving a talk, “Low-energy Atmospheric Neutrino Oscillations,” on Thursday, February 1, as part of the NPAC Forum. The talk is hosted by Sanjib Agarwalla and begins at 2:30pm via Zoom.

January 26, 2024


Physics Department Colloquia: Gravitational-wave astronomy with LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison
Patrick Brady, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, will be giving a talk, “Gravitational-wave astronomy with LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA,” on Friday, January 26, as part of the Physics Department Colloquia. The talk is hosted by Justin Vandenbroucke and begins at 3:30pm in Room 2241 of Chamberlin Hall.

January 26, 2024


NPAC Forum: The flavor composition of high-energy cosmic neutrinos: towards high statistics and ultra-high energies

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison
Mauricio Bustamante, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, will be giving a talk, “The flavor composition of high-energy cosmic neutrinos: towards high statistics and ultra-high energies,” on Friday, January 26, as part of the NPAC Forum. The talk is hosted by Ke Fang and begins at 2:00pm in Room 5280 of Chamberlin Hall.

January 18, 2024


NPAC Forum: Probing Cosmic Ray Physics at TeV-PeV Energies with GRAPES-3 Experiment

Talk • virtual (Zoom)
Pravata Kumar Mohanty, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, will be giving a talk, “Probing Cosmic Ray Physics at TeV-PeV Energies with GRAPES-3 Experiment,” on Thursday, January 18, as part of the NPAC Forum. The talk is hosted by Sanjib Agarwalla and begins at 10:30am via Zoom.

December 21, 2023


NPAC Forum: Neutrino signal from Cygnus region of the Milky Way

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison and virtual (Zoom)
Andrii Neronov, ISDC, Data Centre for Astrophysics, University of Geneva, will be giving a talk, “Neutrino signal from Cygnus region of the Milky Way,” on Thursday, December 21, as part of the NPAC Forum. The talk is hosted by Lu Lu and begins at 2:30pm via Zoom.

December 7, 2023


NPAC Forum: Probing neutrino oscillations with accelerator-based long-baseline neutrino experiments

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison and virtual (Zoom)
Zoya Vallari, Caltech, will be giving a talk, “Probing neutrino oscillations with accelerator-based long-baseline neutrino experiments,” on Thursday, December 7, as part of the NPAC Forum. The talk is hosted by Tianlu Yuan and begins at 2:30pm in Room 5310 Chamberlin Hall and via Zoom.

November 16, 2023


NPAC Forum: Detecting the highest energy neutrinos…with radar? A new tool in the astroparticle toolbox

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison and virtual (Zoom)
Steven Prohira, The University of Kansas, will be giving a talk, “Detecting the highest energy neutrinos…with radar? A new tool in the astroparticle toolbox,” on Thursday, November 16, as part of the NPAC Forum. The talk is hosted by Albrecht Karle and begins at 2:30pm in Room 5280 Chamberlin Hall and via Zoom.

November 9, 2023


NPAC Forum: Exploring New Physics with Background Radiation Fields

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison and virtual (Zoom)
Justin Finke, Naval Research Labs, will be giving a talk, “Exploring New Physics with Background Radiation Fields,” on Thursday, November 9, as part of the NPAC Forum. The talk is hosted by Abhishek Desai and begins at 2:30pm in Room 5310 Chamberlin Hall and via Zoom.

November 3, 2023


Physics Department Colloquia: Multimessenger View of High-Energy Cosmic Neutrino Sources

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison
Kohta Murase, Penn State, will be giving a talk, “Multimessenger View of High-Energy Cosmic Neutrino Sources,” on Friday, November 3, as part of the Physics Department Colloquia. The talk is hosted by Lu Lu and begins at 3:30pm in Room 2241 Chamberlin Hall.

November 2, 2023


NPAC Forum: Looking inside the Earth with neutrinos

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison and virtual (Zoom)
Sergio Palomares Ruiz, IFIC (CSIC – University of Valencia), will be giving a talk, “Looking inside the Earth with neutrinos,” on Thursday, November 2, as part of the NPAC Forum. The talk is hosted by Fancis Halzen and begins at 2:30pm in Room 5310 Chamberlin Hall and via Zoom.

October 6, 2023


Physics Department Colloquia: Neutrino Tomography: A journey into the interior of Earth

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison
Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla, Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, India, Physics Department and WIPAC, will be giving a talk, “Neutrino Tomography: A journey into the interior of Earth,” on Friday, October 6, as part of the Physics Department Colloquia. The talk is hosted by Francis Halzen and begins at 3:30pm in Room 2241 Chamberlin Hall.

September 14, 2023


NPAC Forum: Neutrinos, Quantum Gravity and the Big Questions – New Ideas for New Data

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison and virtual (Zoom)
Heinrich Päs, TU Dortmund University, will be giving a talk, “Neutrinos, Quantum Gravity and the Big Questions – New Ideas for New Data,” on Thursday, September 14, as part of the NPAC Forum. The talk is hosted by Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla and begins at 2:30pm in Room 5310 Chamberlin Hall and via Zoom.

September 5, 2023


NPAC Forum: Hunting the origin of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays through neutrinos and gamma-rays

Talk • WIPAC and virtual (Zoom)
Saikat Das, Yukawa Institute, Kyoto University, Japan, will be giving a talk, “Hunting the origin of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays through neutrinos and gamma-rays,” on Tuesday, September 5, as part of the NPAC Forum. The talk is hosted by Ke Fang and begins at 2:30pm at WIPAC and via Zoom.

August 9, 2023


High Energy Seminar: On the origin of ANITA’s intriguing events

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison and virtual (Zoom)
Jordi Salvado, University of Barcelona, will be giving a talk, “On the origin of ANITA’s intriguing events,” on Wednesday, August 9, as part of the High Energy Seminar series. The talk is hosted by Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla and begins at 2:30pm in Room 5280 Chamberlin Hall and via Zoom.

August 8, 2023


N3AS Seminar: Unmatched Precision on Neutrino Oscillation Parameters using Complementarity between DUNE and T2HK

Talk • virtual (Zoom)
Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla, Institute of Physics, India, and WIPAC, will be giving a talk, “Unmatched Precision on Neutrino Oscillation Parameters using Complementarity between DUNE and T2HK,” on Tuesday, August 8, as part of the N3AS Seminar series. The talk begins at 2:00pm online via Zoom.

Friday, July 14,

Glacial Optics: Cold Cutting Edge

Event • Art Lofts Gallery, 111 North Frances Street
The UW–Madison Art Department is partnering with WIPAC to present works in progress from WIPAC’s artist in residence, Tristan Duke. The gallery will preview Duke’s work, which will explore IceCube’s cutting-edge technology using a camera with a lens made of ice. His weeklong residency is part of an ongoing project called Glacial Optics that explores the glacier as a literal and poetic lens through which to understand the precarity of our times.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023


WN@TL: “IceCube detection of neutrinos from a galaxy near, near by”

Talk • UW Biotechnology Center
Prof. Justin Vandenbroucke, UW–Madison Physics/WIPAC, will be giving a talk, “IceCube detection of neutrinos from a galaxy near, near by,” as part of UW–Madison’s Wednesday Nite @ The Lab series.  For more information about the talk or the venue, visit the WN@TL website.

Thursday, June 29, 2023
2:00pm EST


IceCube Webinar

Panel Discussion • Virtual (Zoom)

Join us to hear exciting IceCube results!
Thursday, June 29, 2-3 PM EDT/8-9 PM CET

Zoom link –
YouTube live stream – TBD

In person (two locations):
Drexel University
Mitchell Auditorium
Bossone Research Enterprise Center
3140 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA

TU Dortmund
Internationales Begegnungszentrum
Emil-Figge-Straße 59, 44227
Dortmund, Germany

For venue details, contact Kylie Gray (Drexel) or Marissa Huennefeld (Dortmund).

May 25, 2023


NPAC Forum: Electron antineutrino scattering on protons: history, applications, and theoretical estimates

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison and virtual (Zoom)
Professor Francesco Vissani, INFN, Gran Sasso, Italy, will be giving a talk, “Electron antineutrino scattering on protons: history, applications, and theoretical estimates,” on Thursday, May 25, as part of the NPAC Forum. The talk is hosted by Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla and begins at 2:30pm in Room 4274 Chamberlin Hall and via Zoom.

May 18, 2023


NPAC Forum: Searches for Dark Matter with IceCube

Talk • WIPAC, 222 W. Washington Ave.
Thien Nhan Chau, Université Libre de Bruxelles, will be giving a talk, “Searches for Dark Matter with IceCube,” on Thursday, May 18, as part of the NPAC Forum. The talk is hosted by Lu Lu and begins at 12:00pm in Supernova at WIPAC, 5th floor at 222 W Washington Avenue.

May 11, 2023


NPAC Forum: Gravitational Wave Science with Gamma Rays

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison
Matthew Kerr, CSIRO, Sydney, Australia, will be giving a talk, “Gravitational Wave Science with Gamma Rays,” on Thursday, May 11, as part of the NPAC Forum. The talk is hosted by Ke Fang and begins at 2:30pm in Room 4274 Chamberlin Hall.

April 27, 2023


NPAC Forum: Landscape of CP Violation in Long-Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiments

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison
Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla, Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar/UW-Madison, will be giving a talk, “Landscape of CP Violation in Long-Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiments,” on Thursday, April 27, as part of the NPAC Forum. The talk is hosted by Francis Halzen and begins at 2:30pm in Room 4274 Chamberlin Hall.

April 13, 2023


Discover Past, Present, and Future: Black Holes, Neutrinos, and Life in our Galaxy

Panel Discussion • Marquee Theater, Union South, UW–Madison
As one of the special events held in association with the investiture of UW–Madison’s Chancellor Jennifer Mnookin, this panel features Nobel Prize winning astrophysicist UCLA Professor Andrea Ghez along with UW–Madison luminaries, including WIPAC’s Professor Francis Halzen, to discuss the arc of discovery that has unveiled secrets of the Milky Way and deep space. This panel discussion will be moderated by Dean Eric Wilcots and held at 1:30pm at the Marquee Theater in Union South, with live streaming available. Visit the UW event page for further information.

April 7, 2023


Physics Department Colloquium: Cosmic Neutrinos at the Highest Energies

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison
Stephanie Wissel, Penn State, will be giving a talk, “Cosmic Neutrinos at the Highest Energies” on Friday, April 7, as part of the Physics Department Colloquium. The talk is hosted by Prof. Albrecht Karle and will be held at 3:30pm in Room 2241 of Chamberlin Hall.

March 3, 2023


NPAC Forum: Machine Learning and its Applications in IceCube

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison
Claudio Kopper, Michigan State University/Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, will be giving a talk, “Machine Learning and its Applications in IceCube,” on Thursday, March 9, as part of the NPAC Forum. The talk is hosted by Albrecht Karle and begins at 2:30pm in Room 4274 Chamberlin Hall.

March 2, 2023


NPAC Forum: Where are Milky Way’s Hadronic PeVatrons?

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison
Takahiro Sudo, Ohio State University, will be giving a talk, “Where are Milky Way’s Hadronic PeVatrons?,” on Thursday, March 2, as part of the NPAC Forum. The talk is hosted by Lu Lu and begins at 2:30pm in Room 4274 Chamberlin Hall.

February 9, 2023


NPAC Forum: Hunting EeV Neutrinos with RNO-G and PUEO

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison
Cosmin Deaconu, University of Chicago, will be giving a talk, “Hunting EeV Neutrinos with RNO-G and PUEO,” on Thursday, February 9, as part of the NPAC Forum. The talk is hosted by Marjon Moulai and begins at 2:30pm in Room 4274 Chamberlin Hall.

Janurary 26, 2023


NPAC Forum: Reactor Neutrino Experiments in China: Daya Bay and JUNO

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison
Wei Wang, Sun Yat-sen University, will be giving a talk, “Reactor Neutrino Experiments in China: Daya Bay and JUNO,” on Thursday, January 26, as part of the NPAC Forum. The talk is hosted by Albrecht Karle and begins at 2:30pm in Room 4274 Chamberlin Hall.

December 8, 2022


NPAC Forum: Treasure Maps for Detections of Extreme Energy Cosmic Rays

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison
Anatoli Fedynitch, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, will be giving a talk, “Treasure Maps for Detections of Extreme Energy Cosmic Rays,” on Thursday, December 8, as part of the NPAC Forum. The talk is hosted by Lu Lu and begins at 4:00pm in Room 4274 Chamberlin Hall.

December 1, 2022


NPAC Forum: The Changing Landscape of Astrophysical Searches and Indirect Detection of Dark Matter

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison
Eric Charles, SLAC, will be giving a talk, “The Changing Landscape of Astrophysical Searches and Indirect Detection of Dark Matter,” on Thursday, December 1, as part of the NPAC Forum. The talk is hosted by Ke Fang and begins at 2:30pm in Room 4274 Chamberlin Hall.

Thursday, November 3, 2022


IceCube Webinar

Panel Discussion • Discovery Building, UW–Madison

Join us to hear exciting IceCube results!
Thursday, November 3, 1:00 – 2:00 pm U.S. CDT

(Note: Daylight Saving Time ends the following Sunday, November 6, 2022, in the United States and Canada.)

In person:
H.F. DeLuca Forum at the Discovery Building
330 N. Orchard St
Madison, WI 53715

Zoom link –
YouTube live stream –

Friday, October 28, 2022


Physics Department Colloquium: The seemingly-anomalous magnetic moment of the muon

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison
Glennys Farrar, NYU, will be giving a talk, “The seemingly-anomalous magnetic moment of the muon – a novel reconciliation with the Standard Model and connection with Dark Matter,” on Friday, October 21, as part of the Physics Department Colloquium. The talk is hosted by Prof. Lu Lu and will be held at 3:30pm in Room 2241 of Chamberlin Hall.

October 28, 2022


NPAC Forum: Powerful Indirect Constraints on the Origins of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison
Glennys Farrar, NYU, will be giving a talk, “Powerful Indirect Constraints on the Origins of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays,” on Friday, October 28, as part of the NPAC Forum. The talk is hosted by Prof. Lu Lu and will be held in Room 4274 of Chamberlin Hall beginning at 2:00pm.

Friday, October 21, 2022


Physics Department Colloquium: Shocking New Insights into Novae

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison
Brian Metzger, Columbia University & CCA Flatiron Institute, will be giving a talk, “Shocking New Insights into Novae,” on Friday, October 21, as part of the Physics Department Colloquium. The talk is hosted by Prof. Justin Vandenbroucke and will be held at 3:30pm in Room 2241 of Chamberlin Hall.

Wednesday and Saturday,
October 12 and 15, 2022
10:00am to 1:00pm


Wisconsin Science Festival

Outreach • Discovery Building, UW–Madison
WIPAC will be participating in the 2022 Wisconsin Science Festival, a weeklong event featuring activities throughout the state of Wisconsin geared toward people of all ages. We will have have an exploration station at the UW–Madison Discovery Building on Wednesday, October 12 and Saturday, October 15 from 10:00am to 1:00pm. Come and join us!

For more information, visit the Wisconsin Science Festival website.

October 14, 2022
4:00pm to 8:00pm

Science on the Square

Outreach • 100 Block of State Street
Come to “Science on the Square,” a science-themed event held in coordination with the Madison Night Market, providing a unique way to explore hands-on science activities while also supporting local businesses and vendors. Visit WIPAC’s station in front of Teddywedgers to learn about the world neutrinos and astroparticle physics. “Science on the Square” runs from 4:00pm to 8:00pm.

September 29, 2022

NPAC Forum: Tau Appearance from High-Energy Neutrino Interactions

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison
Alfonso Garcia, Harvard University, will be giving a talk, “Tau Appearance from High-Energy Neutrino Interactions,” on Thursday, September 29, as part of the NPAC Forum. The talk is hosted by Prof. Lu Lu and will be held in Room 4274 of Chamberlin Hall beginning at 2:30.

September 22, 2022

Public talk by IceCube winterovers: “13 Months Below Zero”

Talk • Great Hall, Memorial Union
Ever wonder what it’s like to work and live in one of the harshest environments on Earth? Hear a firsthand report from Martin Wolf and Josh Veitch-Michaelis, who spent a year at the South Pole. As winterovers, they were responsible for keeping the IceCube Neutrino Observatory, a unique telescope that searches for nearly invisible cosmic messengers, up and running 24/7. This event is FREE and open to the public.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

NPAC Forum: Light at the end of the tunnel: Astrophysical searches for axion-like particles in gamma-ray energies

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison
Milena S. Crnogorcevic, University of Maryland, will be giving a talk, “Light at the end of the tunnel: Astrophysical searches for axion-like particles in gamma-ray energies,” on Thursday, September 8, as part of the NPAC Forum. The talk is hosted by Prof. Ke Fang and will be held in Room 4274 of Chamberlin Hall beginning at 2:30.

Thursday, July 14, 2022
2:30pm to 3:30pm

NPAC Forum: Recent results from KM3NeT neutrino telescope at the Mediterranean sea

Talk • Virtual
Rodri Gracia, ECAP/ University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, will be giving a talk, “Recent results from KM3NeT neutrino telescope at the Mediterranean sea,” on Thursday, July 14, as part of the NPAC Forum. The talk is hosted by Prof. Lu Lu and will be presented via Zoom beginning at 2:30.

Thursday, July 7, 2022
2:30pm to 3:30pm

NPAC Forum: Imprints of Lorentz Violation in Neutrino Oscillation Experiments

Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla, Institute of Physics, Sainik School Post, India, will be giving a talk, “Imprints of Lorentz Violation in Neutrino Oscillation Experiments,” on Thursday, July 7, as part of the NPAC Forum. The talk is hosted by Prof. Francis Halzen and will be held in Room 4272 of Chamberlin Hall beginning at 2:30.

Thursday, June 9, 2022
2:30pm to 3:30pm

NPAC Forum: Measuring the neutrino-nucleon cross section at ultra-high energies: detailed forecasts for IceCube-Gen2

Talk • Virtual
Mauricio Bustamante, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, will be giving a talk, “Measuring the neutrino-nucleon cross section at ultra-high energies: detailed forecasts for IceCube-Gen2,” on Thursday, June 9, as part of the NPAC Forum. The talk is hosted by Prof. Lu Lu and will be presented via Zoom beginning at 2:30.

Thursday, June 2, 2022
2:30pm to 3:30pm

NPAC Forum: Impact of intrinsic charm in the nucleon and gluon saturation effects on the prompt atmospheric neutrino flux for IceCube

Talk • Virtual
Rafał Maciuła, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland, will be giving a talk, “Impact of intrinsic charm in the nucleon and gluon saturation effects on the prompt atmospheric neutrino flux for IceCube,” on Thursday, June 2, as part of the NPAC Forum. The talk is hosted by Prof. Lu Lu and will be presented via Zoom beginning at 2:30.

Saturday, April 9, 2022
9:30am to 4:00pm

WIPAC at UW Science Expeditions and Physics Fair

Outreach Event • Discovery & Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison
WIPAC will be participating in the 2022 UW–Madison Science Expeditions, a family-friendly, campus-wide open house held each spring, as well as the UW Physics Fair, held this year on April 9. We will have two locations on Saturday, April 9—an exploration station at Discovery building from 9:30am to 12:30pm and an outreach station in Chamberlin Hall from 11:00am to 4:00pm. Please join us!

For more information on either program, visit their websites:  Science Expeditions and Physics Fair.

Friday, March 25 2022
3:30pm to 4:30pm

Physics Department Colloquium: Exploring cosmology with the South Pole Telescope

Amy Bender, Argonne National Laboratory, will be giving a talk, “Exploring cosmology with the South Pole Telescope,” on Friday, March 25, as part of the Physics Department Colloquium. The talk is hosted by Prof. Albrecht Karle and will be held in Room 2103 of Chamberlin Hall.

Thursday, February 3, 2022
2:30pm to 3:30pm

NPAC Forum: Recent Results from MicroBooNE Addressing the MiniBooNE Anomaly Using Deep-Learning-Based Reconstruction

Lauren Yates, Fermilab, will be giving a talk, “Recent Results from MicroBooNE Addressing the MiniBooNE Anomaly Using Deep-Learning-Based Reconstruction,” on Thursday,  February 3, as part of the NPAC Forum. The talk is hosted by Prof. Lu Lu and will be held in Room 4274 of Chamberlin Hall.

Thursday, December 16, 2021
2:30pm to 3:30pm

NPAC Forum: Recent updates on modelling neutrinos, photons and UHECRs

Talk • Virtual
Rafael Alves Batista, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, will be giving a talk, “Recent updates on modelling neutrinos, photons and UHECRs,” on Thursday,  December 16, as part of the NPAC Forum. The talk is hosted by Prof. Ke Fangand will be presented on Zoom, beginning at 2:30 pm.

Friday, November 19, 2021
12:05pm to 1:05pm

Graduate Introductory Seminar: Cosmic neutrinos with IceCube – results and future steps

Talk • Chamberlin Hall, UW–Madison
WIPAC faculty member, Prof. Albrecht Karle, will give a talk, “Cosmic neutrinos with IceCube – results and future steps,” as part of the Physics Department Graduate Introductory Seminar. The talk will be held on Friday, November 19, beginning at 12:05 pm in Room 2241 of Chamberlin Hall.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021
7:00pm to 8:15pm

WN@TL: “Celebrating Cosmic Rays on the 10th International Cosmic Day”

Outreach Event • UW Biotechnology Center
Paolo Desiati, senior scientist at WIPAC, will be giving a talk, “Celebrating Cosmic Rays on the 10th International Cosmic Day,” as part of UW–Madison’s Wednesday Nite @ The Lab series.  For more information about the talk or the venue, visit the WN@TL website.  This activity is held as part of the 10th anniversary celebration of International Cosmic Day

Thursday, October 28, 2021
2:00pm to 4:00pm

HEAD Frontier Seminar: Detection of TeV gamma rays from the Crab Nebula with an innovative telescope designed for the Cherenkov Telescope Array

Talk • Virtual
Leslie Taylor, UW–Madison Department of Physics, will be giving a talk titled “Detection of TeV gamma rays from the Crab Nebula with an innovative telescope designed for the Cherenkov Telescope Array” at the next HEAD Frontier Seminar.  The seminar will include three talks in total and will be presented virtually on Thursday, October 28, 1:00pm EDT (17:00 UTC).  For talk abstracts and further information, visit HEAD Seminars.

Friday, October 22, 2021
12:05pm to 1:05pm

Graduate Introductory Seminar: Linking the theory and observation of astroparticles

Talk • Chamberlain Hall, UW–Madison
WIPAC faculty member, Prof. Ke Fang, will give a talk, “Linking the theory and observation of astroparticles,” as part of the Physics Department Graduate Introductory Seminar. The talk will be held on Friday, October 22, beginning at 12:05 pm in Room 2241 of Chamberlin Hall.

Campus Events

Physics Department Events UW-Madison Events