The National Science Foundation today, March 30, announced that it has renewed a cooperative agreement [...]
Students attending the IceCube Masterclass in River Falls. The third edition of the IceCube Masterclass [...]
Decades ago, the aspiration to build a kilometer-scale neutrino detector at the South Pole seemed [...]
IceCube data are stubbornly showing us only a glimpse of the extreme universe at a [...]
Francis Halzen, IceCube PI and professor at the UW–Madison. Image: Zig Hampel-Arias, WIPAC. Francis Halzen, [...]
The “IRES: U.S.-European International Research Experience-Particle Astrophysics for Undergraduates” program, funded by NSF and led [...]
Sorting through the billions of subatomic particles that zip through its frozen cubic-kilometer-sized detector each [...]
Jakob van Santen in front of Bascom Hall with Bucky Badger, two of the most [...]
Not everyone begins a new year on January 1, right? That includes IceCubers, who decided [...]
The IceCube Collaboration at the spring 2013 meeting held in Madison, WI. Photo: Zigfried Hampel-Arias, [...]