A new telescope, part of an international effort to develop and build the world’s largest, [...]
In an attempt to better understand the anisotropy, the IceCube Neutrino Observatory and the HAWC [...]
the COSINE Collaboration today presents the first results that significantly challenge DAMA’s claim of a [...]
For the first time, an international collaboration of scientists has detected [...]
Since cosmic rays were discovered in 1912, scientists have sought the origins of these mysterious [...]
A unique high-speed camera, designed to capture the fleeting effects of gamma rays crashing into [...]
After a five-year John Bahcall postdoctoral fellowship at WIPAC, astroparticle physicist Markus Ahlers returned to [...]
The American Physical Society meeting on astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology and particle physics, the so-called April [...]
Those of us working with high-energy neutrinos always have great expectations for a new year, [...]
A recent work by Markus Ahlers, a John Bahcall fellow at WIPAC, has shown that [...]