So many images from last week … where to begin? The IceCube winterovers captured [...]
Surprise, surprise—a little creature snuck in to the South Pole station, presumably in the last [...]
It’s a small community wintering over at the South Pole—they help each other out. [...]
What is this? And where would you find it at the South Pole station? [...]
At the South Pole, apparently there’s “cold” and then there’s “really cold.” IceCube winterover [...]
It’s not dark yet, but the temperatures have been dropping. They’re back to being [...]
The South Pole station is gearing up for its seasonal closing. There are still [...]
IceCube winterover Ian Rees was invited to fly around in a Twin Otter and photograph [...]
Signs are everywhere. When you’re lost or unsure about which way to go, a [...]
A weird-looking contraption hanging from a frame, three kneeling people huddled on the ground, a [...]