The last of IceCube’s summer crew have departed from the South Pole, leaving IceCube winterovers [...]
Last week the IceCube team completed their planned upgrades for the radio and scintillator arrays. [...]
Although summer is coming to an end, it’s not over yet. Planes are still [...]
Our winterovers for the 2018-2019 season, Kathrin Mallot and Benjamin Eberhardt, returned from Antarctica last [...]
Ah, penguins! Who doesn’t love them? Both of IceCube’s winterovers got to view [...]
Life at the South Pole is full of traditions. And as one year ends [...]
The last full week of 2019 was a busy one at the South Pole. [...]
It’s always a white Christmas at the South Pole. It was also summer solstice [...]
Why are the winterovers playing chess out on the ice? The answer might just [...]
Last week, long-awaited cargo arrived, and just as exciting, the South Pole traverse also showed [...]