The IceCube detector has been explained widely—in many different languages and in hundreds of locations [...]
A recent work by Markus Ahlers, a John Bahcall fellow at WIPAC, has shown that [...]
This summer, two students worked with WIPAC throught the Research Experiences for Undergraduates program at [...]
The 2016 WIPAC-QuarkNet internship hosted students from Madison, Cottage Grove, and Janesville, Wisconsin, and even [...]
The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) will detect gamma rays with unprecedented precision. To do this, [...]
The IceCube Lab at the South Pole collects data from over 5,000 light sensors. Around [...]
The IceCube Collaboration has performed two independent searches for light sterile neutrinos, both with one [...]
Students attending the IceCube Masterclass in River Falls. The third edition of the IceCube Masterclass [...]
IceCube data are stubbornly showing us only a glimpse of the extreme universe at a [...]
If learning that you can turn your smart phone into a cosmic-ray telescope was astonishing, [...]