Kalvin Moschkau, IceCube/NSF This group is all smiles, so it looks like they survived their [...]
Kevin Zagorski, SPT/NSF The window of good weather that IceCube’s winterovers were waiting for arrived, [...]
Kalvin Moschkau, IceCube/NSF You may have seen one midwinter at the Pole, but that doesn’t [...]
Connor Duffy, IceCube/NSF That’s the IceCube Lab after dark, showing off its form as it’s [...]
Kevin Zagorski, SPT/NSF The photos from last week are all indoor shots, but clearly auroras [...]
Connor Duffy, IceCube/NSF The moon from the previous week is long gone—with the darker skies, [...]
Connor Duffy, IceCube/NSF The moon returned to the Pole last week, and bright enough so [...]
Kevin Zagorski, SPT/NSF With record-breaking winds last week, the South Pole station spent a few [...]
Connor Duffy, IceCube/NSF There they are—those big, expansive, colorful auroras that seem to fill the [...]
Connor Duffy, IceCube/NSF A very large moon halo dominated the sky, here seen above the [...]