Marc Jacquart, IceCube/NSF For those who spend a year living at the South Pole, they [...]
Marc Jacquart, IceCube/NSF Last week at the Pole it was all about the sky. There [...]
Hrvoje Dujmovic, IceCube/NSF It’s getting close to midwinter, when people in Antarctica, and other places, [...]
Marc Jacquart, IceCube/NSF While most of us up north are enjoying longer and brighter days [...]
Marc Jacquart, IceCube/NSF Some weeks are busier than others, and last week was one of [...]
Marc Jacquart, IceCube/NSF Bad weather last week at the Pole meant more indoor photos than [...]
Marc Jacquart, IceCube/NSF The main activity occupying IceCube’s winterovers last week was running DOM calibration [...]
Hrvoje Dujmovic, IceCube/NSF IceCube winterover Hrvoje, who took the photo above, was excited to see [...]
Marc Jacquart, IceCube/NSF First up—last week featured a weather balloon launch. That’s IceCube winterover Marc [...]
Marc Jacquart, IceCube/NSF Ahh, auroras! We knew they’d come…and now the first of the season [...]