Ilya Bodo, IceCube/NSF A small plane found itself parked in behind some other aircraft at [...]
Ilya Bodo, IceCube/NSF The station is technically closed for the winter season, but there are [...]
The IceCube field team gathered at the ceremonial South Pole on New Year’s Eve. Credit: [...]
Simeon Bash, SPT/NSF And just like that, summer’s over and winter begins. At the Pole [...]
Ilya Bodo, IceCube/NSF A white rainbow? Well, yes—it’s also called a fogbow! Fogbows are rarer [...]
Neutrinos are weakly interacting particles that are able to travel undeflected through the cosmos. The [...]
Ilya Bodo, IceCube/NSF What’s so funny? Who knows, but a few IceCube folks shared a [...]
Matthew Petroff, BICEP/NSF This week’s aerial photo from the South Pole features a 360-degree view [...]
Michael Rayne, ASC-ARFF An aeriel view of the IceCube Lab also shows the IceCube Upgrade [...]
Ilya Bodo, IceCube/NSF Last week at the Pole continued to be busy with lots of [...]